Semester: Winter
ECTS: 17
Lectures/Classes: 125 / 115 hours
Field of study: Veterinary Medicine
Study cycle: 1st cycle
Type of course: compulsory
Prerequisites: There is a limit of 16 people registered for a particular course Anatomy, biochemistry, histology and embryology, microbiology, physiology, clinical and laboratory diagnostic, pharmacology, parasitology.
Contact person: dr Marcin Wrzosek; marcin.wrzosek@upwr.edu.pl
Short description: The aim of the course is to provide students with basic knowledge on the dogs and cats diseases, its diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and additional diagnostics procedures. It can proved the additional information of illness prevention and prognosis.
Full description: Internal diseases: Cardiovascular diseases. Skin disorders. Respiratory tract disorders. Digestive tract disorders. Liver, pancreas disorders. Urinary tract disorders. Nervous system disorders. Surgery: Diseases of the eye and ear infections in dogs and cats. Surgical diseases of the mouth, throat and esophagus. Gastrointestinal disease requiring surgical intervention. Surgery within the small intestine. Surgical procedures in the colon and rectum. Hernias, surgery of hepatobiliary, adrenal, thyroid and spleen. Surgical diseases of the urinary tract. Reproductive Surgery. Thoracic Surgery in dogs and cats. Fractures in small animals. Osteosynthesis of fractures of the thoracic limbs. Osteosynthesis of fractures of the pelvic limb. Neurosurgery of spine. Some joint diseases in small animals. Reproduction: Neurohormonal regulation and the course cycle in bitches. Neurohormonal regulation and the course cycle in queen. Disorders of oestrus cycle; abnormalities of ovarian function. Disorders of the ovaries, uterus and vagina. Disorders of sexual differentiation. Infertility infectious origin. Physiopathology and monitoring of pregnancy in bitches and queens. Eutocia. Dystocia. Mammary gland disorders in bitches and queens. Veterinary care on puppies and kittens from birth to weaning. Diseases of puppies and kittens from birth to weaning. Infection diseases: Infection diseases in dogs and cats - Rabies and Lyssavirusy infection, haemoplasmosis and bartonellosis, infection diseases after surgery intervention. Infection diseases in dogs – canine parvovirus infection, coronavirus infection and rotavirus infection, babesiosis in dogs, boreliosis and Lyme diseases, RMSF, herpesvirus infection in dogs, Brucella sp., Mycoplasma sp. and Ureaplazma sp. Infection, infection of Clostridium sp. (enterotoxemia, tetanus, Clostridium botulinum infection), erlichiosis and anaplasmosis. Infection diseases in cats – retrovirus infection (FeLV, FIV), infection of parvo-, astro- i coronavirus (FIP), URTD syndrome, TSE, orthopoxvirus infection, papilomatosis. Diagnostics of infection diseases in dogs and cats. Mycosis in dogs and cats. Biosecurity in kennel of dogs and cats.
Bibliography: Internal Diseases of Dogs and Cats 1. Morgan R.V. – Handbook of small animal practise. 5ed. Saunders Elsevier Reproduction 1. BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Reproduction and Neonatology. Red. G. England, A. von Heimendahl, BSAVA 2010. 2. Manual of Small Animal Reproduction and Neonatology, G.Simpson , G.England , M.Harvey, 1998 3. Arthur’s Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics. D. Noakes, T. Parkinson, G. England, 2001 4. Canine and Feline Theriogenology, S. D.Johnston , M. V. R.Kustritz , P. N. S.Olson, 2001 5. Clinical Canine and Feline Reproduction, M. V. R.Kustritz, 2009 Infectious Diseases 1. C.E. Green: Infectious diseases of dog and cat. Elsevier, 2010
Learning outcomes: Knowledge: - know the etiology of dogs and cats diseases - know the clinical signs of dogs and cats diseases - know the additional tests used in diagnosis of dogs and cats disorders - know the treatment and prognosis of diagnosed dogs and cats diseases Skills: - perform the anamnesis and clinical examination - present the differential diagnosis of chosen disorders - perform the adequate diagnosis based on clinical signs and results of additional tests - provide the adequate treatment program Social competences: - can be carried out of the proper diagnostic and treatment procedure
Assessment methods and assessment criteria: Ratnig consist of: 50% scores from credit of exercises and 50% scores from credit of lectures – written exam. The scope of the exam: exercises + lectures.

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